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Happy New Year

I hope all our families had a wonderful holiday break. Personally, I really enjoyed spending unstructured free time with my family and friends. I am feeling refreshed and excited to welcome our students back to school for 2019.

I quick reminder, the mild weather over the holidays was a pleasure and families may forget that winter is still with us: whether it is sunny and 50 deg or cloudy and 28 deg, we will be taking the children outside. Please remember to send in winter gear with your child each day, (snow pants, boots, winter coat, hat, mittens). We continue to strive to get outside for at least 30 minutes during each class period. The importance of playing outside continues to be a much studied and discussed topic. It helps develop healthy bodies and minds for children and adults. A recent study estimated that American youth spend and average of 1200 hours per year watching and interacting with screens and at the same time are spending less and less time outdoors. Some professionals estimate that many young children spend less than 15 minutes outside daily. So, lets get outside and play and change the statistics.

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